Brighton & Hove Business Awards – Community Hero finalists!

Posted by: Pippa John | Post date: 23.06.21

The announcement is out – we have been shortlisted for the Brighton & Hove Business Community Hero Award!

To say I am thrilled is an understatement!

When I launched this business 11 years ago, I didn’t want to be a ‘typical’ estate agent. I valued the importance of making a change whenever you can in your industry. Any opportunity to make a difference to a tenant, landlord, local charity, or the wider community was an opportunity I wanted my business to seize.

The estate agency model is all about targets and profit. Sadly, many people feel less favourably about us estate agents because of this, so my decision to not follow suit was done with careful consideration.

My team are not motivated by targets or monetary bonuses, they want to be the best they can be and make a difference whenever the opportunity arises.

I was told this structure for an estate agent was unsustainable and was a ‘fluffy’ way to look at business. I wholeheartedly disagreed with that then and more so now.

Being shortlisted as a finalist for the Community Hero Award shows me that my idea can and does work. It shows that all the small, authentic things we do for our community are seen and appreciated.

This for me is not about who can flash the most cash, but who is there year on year, consistently supporting our neighbours – the other local businesses on Portland Road. It is showing up at events in the local community, it is taking an active part to fundraise for our local charities dependably. It is showing new tenants and homeowners where they can find all the best local produce/gifts that we have in this area so the #shoplocal mentality starts at the very beginning of their time with us.

This last year as been hard on everyone and our company mantra is ‘be better; do better’ and I feel this has never been needed more.

We are among some great finalists for this award so the very fact we have been shortlisted is heart-warming for me.

Not all estate agents are the same, and we certainly aren’t. I am beyond proud that over the last 11 years we have shown this to be true, by being short listed for awards like this!

Here’s to the ceremony on the 24th June – we wish all the best to all the finalists!


Lucy Dawe – CEO & Founder